1 SGD in Other Currencies
Singapore Dollar Exchange Conversions
Currency Exchange Currency:SGD Today
Singapore Dollar Major Pairs
1 Singapore Dollar to Dollars SGD/USD 0.7591 -0.08%
1 Singapore Dollar to Euros SGD/EUR 0.7032 -0.03%
1 Singapore Dollar to Swiss Francs SGD/CHF 0.6580 0.09%
1 Singapore Dollar to Pounds SGD/GBP 0.5849 -0.02%
1 Singapore Dollar to Australian Dollars SGD/AUD 1.1369 0.00%
1 Singapore Dollar to Yens SGD/JPY 115.11 0.30%
1 Singapore Dollar to Canadian Dollars SGD/CAD 1.0494 -0.03%
Singapore Dollar All Pairs
1 Singapore Dollar to Dubai Dirhams SGD/AED 2.7881 -0.08%
1 Singapore Dollar to Albanian Leks SGD/ALL 69.4208 0.04%
1 Singapore Dollar to Armenian Drams SGD/AMD 293.92 -0.08%
1 Singapore Dollar to Argentine Pesos SGD/ARS 746.76 -0.07%
1 Singapore Dollar to Australian Dollars SGD/AUD 1.1369 0.00%
1 Singapore Dollar to Bangladeshi Takas SGD/BDT 90.9864 0.22%
1 Singapore Dollar to Bulgarian Levs SGD/BGN 1.3752 -0.04%
1 Singapore Dollar to Bahraini Dinars SGD/BHD 0.2862 -0.08%
1 Singapore Dollar to Bolivian Bolivianos SGD/BOB 5.2617 0.22%
1 Singapore Dollar to Brazilian Reals SGD/BRL 4.3196 -0.05%
1 Singapore Dollar to Bitcoins SGD/BTC 0.0000 0.00%
1 Singapore Dollar to Botswana Pulas SGD/BWP 10.0875 -0.08%
1 Singapore Dollar to Canadian Dollars SGD/CAD 1.0494 -0.03%
1 Singapore Dollar to Swiss Francs SGD/CHF 0.6580 0.09%
1 Singapore Dollar to Chilean Pesos SGD/CLP 719.52 0.00%
1 Singapore Dollar to Chinese Yuans SGD/CNY 5.4142 0.05%
1 Singapore Dollar to Colombian Pesos SGD/COP 3,236.70 -0.07%
1 Singapore Dollar to Costa Rican Colons SGD/CRC 392.36 0.22%
1 Singapore Dollar to Cuban Pesos SGD/CUP 18.2740 0.22%
1 Singapore Dollar to Korunas SGD/CZK 17.7349 0.00%
1 Singapore Dollar to Djiboutian Francs SGD/DJF 135.59 0.43%
1 Singapore Dollar to Danish Kronors SGD/DKK 5.2441 -0.03%
1 Singapore Dollar to Dominican Pesos SGD/DOP 45.8380 -0.26%
1 Singapore Dollar to Algerian Dinars SGD/DZD 101.43 0.16%
1 Singapore Dollar to Egyptian Pounds SGD/EGP 36.9743 -0.06%
1 Singapore Dollar to Ethiopian Birrs SGD/ETB 91.6977 1.25%
1 Singapore Dollar to Euros SGD/EUR 0.7032 -0.03%
1 Singapore Dollar to Fijian Dollars SGD/FJD 1.6974 -0.01%
1 Singapore Dollar to Pounds SGD/GBP 0.5849 -0.02%
1 Singapore Dollar to Georgian Laris SGD/GEL 2.0799 -0.08%
1 Singapore Dollar to Ghana Cedis SGD/GHS 12.1451 -0.08%
1 Singapore Dollar to Gambian Dalasis SGD/GMD 53.1350 -0.08%
1 Singapore Dollar to Guinean Francs SGD/GNF 6,568.12 0.19%
1 Singapore Dollar to Guatemalan Quetzals SGD/GTQ 5.8881 0.22%
1 Singapore Dollar to Hong Kong Dollars SGD/HKD 5.9002 -0.07%
1 Singapore Dollar to Honduran Lempiras SGD/HNL 18.9693 -0.35%
1 Singapore Dollar to Croatian Kunas SGD/HRK 5.3483 -0.08%
1 Singapore Dollar to Haitian Gourdes SGD/HTG 100.24 0.22%
1 Singapore Dollar to Hungarian Forints SGD/HUF 281.42 -0.06%
1 Singapore Dollar to Indonesian Rupiahs SGD/IDR 11,846.02 0.21%
1 Singapore Dollar to Shekels SGD/ILS 2.8648 0.06%
1 Singapore Dollar to Indian Rupees SGD/INR 63.8326 -0.07%
1 Singapore Dollar to Iraqi Dinars SGD/IQD 997.49 0.25%
1 Singapore Dollar to Iranian Rials SGD/IRR 31,951.19 -0.08%
1 Singapore Dollar to Icelandic Kronors SGD/ISK 104.99 -0.03%
1 Singapore Dollar to Jamaican Dollars SGD/JMD 120.84 0.22%
1 Singapore Dollar to Jordanian Dinars SGD/JOD 0.5382 -0.08%
1 Singapore Dollar to Yens SGD/JPY 115.11 0.30%
1 Singapore Dollar to Kenyan Shillings SGD/KES 98.2238 0.23%
1 Singapore Dollar to Cambodian Riels SGD/KHR 3,093.13 0.17%
1 Singapore Dollar to Comorian Francs SGD/KMF 346.02 -0.08%
1 Singapore Dollar to South Korean Wons SGD/KRW 1,049.96 0.17%
1 Singapore Dollar to Kuwaiti Dinars SGD/KWD 0.2327 -0.08%
1 Singapore Dollar to Tenges SGD/KZT 368.16 -0.08%
1 Singapore Dollar to Lao Kips SGD/LAK 16,727.07 0.44%
1 Singapore Dollar to Lebanese Pounds SGD/LBP 68,177.03 0.17%
1 Singapore Dollar to Sri Lankan Rupees SGD/LKR 223.28 0.22%
1 Singapore Dollar to Libyan Dinars SGD/LYD 3.6620 0.12%
1 Singapore Dollar to Moroccan Dirhams SGD/MAD 7.5358 0.25%
1 Singapore Dollar to Moldovan Leus SGD/MDL 13.6671 0.22%
1 Singapore Dollar to Malagasy Ariarys SGD/MGA 3,494.59 0.09%
1 Singapore Dollar to Macedonian Denars SGD/MKD 43.2591 -0.06%
1 Singapore Dollar to Mexican Pesos SGD/MXN 15.1612 0.00%
1 Singapore Dollar to Malaysian Ringgits SGD/MYR 3.2959 0.25%
1 Singapore Dollar to Nigerian Nairas SGD/NGN 1,249.26 -0.21%
1 Singapore Dollar to Norwegian Kronors SGD/NOK 8.2979 0.04%
1 Singapore Dollar to Nepalese Rupees SGD/NPR 102.43 0.22%
1 Singapore Dollar to New Zealand Dollars SGD/NZD 1.2566 -0.03%
1 Singapore Dollar to Omani Rials SGD/OMR 0.2922 -0.08%
1 Singapore Dollar to Philippine Pesos SGD/PHP 44.0109 0.22%
1 Singapore Dollar to Pakistani Rupees SGD/PKR 211.44 0.22%
1 Singapore Dollar to Polish Zlotys SGD/PLN 3.0417 0.00%
1 Singapore Dollar to Guaranis SGD/PYG 6,024.53 0.22%
1 Singapore Dollar to Qatari Riyals SGD/QAR 2.7761 0.38%
1 Singapore Dollar to Romanian Leus SGD/RON 3.4972 -0.05%
1 Singapore Dollar to Serbian Dinars SGD/RSD 82.2954 -0.06%
1 Singapore Dollar to Russian Rubles SGD/RUB 72.6825 -0.07%
1 Singapore Dollar to Rwandan Francs SGD/RWF 1,028.13 0.25%
1 Singapore Dollar to Saudi Riyals SGD/SAR 2.8510 -0.07%
1 Singapore Dollar to Seychellois Rupees SGD/SCR 10.4525 2.74%
1 Singapore Dollar to Sudanese Pounds SGD/SDG 456.58 -0.08%
1 Singapore Dollar to Special Drawing Rightss SGD/SDR 0.5703 -0.08%
1 Singapore Dollar to Swedish Kronors SGD/SEK 8.0096 0.00%
1 Singapore Dollar to Somali Shillings SGD/SOS 435.17 0.33%
1 Singapore Dollar to Syrian Pounds SGD/SYP 1,906.41 -0.08%
1 Singapore Dollar to Thai Bahts SGD/THB 25.5200 0.28%
1 Singapore Dollar to Tunisian Dinars SGD/TND 2.3604 0.19%
1 Singapore Dollar to Turkish Liras SGD/TL 26.0063 -0.06%
1 Singapore Dollar to New Taiwan Dollars SGD/TWD 24.3620 0.04%
1 Singapore Dollar to Tanzanian Shillings SGD/TZS 2,068.47 -0.08%
1 Singapore Dollar to Ukrainian Hryvnias SGD/UAH 31.4679 0.22%
1 Singapore Dollar to Ugandan Shillings SGD/UGX 2,790.77 0.22%
1 Singapore Dollar to Dollars SGD/USD 0.7591 -0.08%
1 Singapore Dollar to Uruguayan Pesos SGD/UYU 31.6485 0.22%
1 Singapore Dollar to Uzbekistani Soms SGD/UZS 9,749.87 0.04%
1 Singapore Dollar to Venezuelan Bolivars SGD/VEF 3.2883 -0.08%
1 Singapore Dollar to Central African Cfa Francs SGD/XAF 461.23 0.22%
1 Singapore Dollar to Gold Prices SGD/XAU 0.0003 0.36%
1 Singapore Dollar to Silver Prices SGD/XAG 0.0220 1.04%
1 Singapore Dollar to East Caribbean Dollars SGD/XCD 2.0515 -0.08%
1 Singapore Dollar to West African Cfa Francs SGD/XOF 461.23 0.36%
1 Singapore Dollar to CFP Francs SGD/XPF 83.8576 -0.41%
1 Singapore Dollar to Yemeni Rials SGD/YER 190.07 -0.08%
1 Singapore Dollar to South African Rands SGD/ZAR 13.3247 0.00%